Why spreadsheets are destroying your scaffolding business | Cloudscaff Scaffold & Inventory Management Software

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Why spreadsheets are destroying your scaffolding business

Byron Wood - 3 years ago

The scaffolding industry is facing numerous challenges, including rising material costs and lower profit margins. The Covid-19 pandemic has further destabilized the industry, putting many scaffolding businesses in a difficult position. However, there may be an even greater threat to the success of these companies: the reliance on spreadsheets.


The scaffolding industry is facing numerous challenges, including rising material costs and lower profit margins. The Covid-19 pandemic has further destabilized the industry, putting many scaffolding businesses in a difficult position. However, there may be an even greater threat to the success of these companies: the reliance on spreadsheets.

Why are spreadsheets problematic for scaffolding companies?

Spreadsheets are widely used in the scaffolding industry for tasks such as quoting, invoicing, data entry, data analysis, inventory and material management, labor management, site management, project management, and reporting. While spreadsheet software like Google Sheets and Apple Numbers is free and easily accessible, it can actually do more harm than good for scaffolding companies. Spreadsheets are prone to errors due to being easily edited or misinterpreted, and can also become corrupted or lost. They can also be easily stolen or shared with unauthorized individuals, making it difficult to keep company data safe and secure.

Alternatives to spreadsheets for scaffolding companies:

Scaffold management software offers a solution to the risks associated with spreadsheets. This specialized software is designed specifically for the scaffolding industry, and provides all the benefits of spreadsheets without the risks. It can easily be integrated into businesses of any size, and eliminates the need for spreadsheets, reducing the risk of human error. With scaffold management software, scaffolding companies can improve productivity, optimize efficiency, and increase profit margins, all while keeping their data safe and secure.


In these challenging times, it is important for scaffolding companies to evolve with technology. While spreadsheets have served their purpose in the past, scaffolding now has software dedicated to the growth, success, and development of the industry. These specialized tools and features can assist scaffolding companies in improving productivity, optimizing efficiency, and increasing profit margins. Cloudscaff Scaffold Management Software is a reliable option for scaffolding companies looking to move away from spreadsheets, and is available for free with no subscriptions or card requirements. By embracing this technology, scaffolding companies can position themselves for success in the industry.


Are you a scaffolding company looking to improve your business? We've got you covered! Check out our additional resources below to see how Cloudscaff Scaffold Management Software can help:

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