The Scaffolding Industry: 10 Surprising Stats You Need to Know | Cloudscaff Scaffold & Inventory Management Software

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The Scaffolding Industry: 10 Surprising Stats You Need to Know

Byron Wood - 2 years ago

gray concrete building near body of water during daytime

When it comes to the construction industry, scaffolding is an essential tool that is used to safely access and work on tall structures. But have you ever stopped to think about the scaffolding industry itself? How big is it, and what impact does it have on the economy and the environment?


When it comes to the construction industry, scaffolding is an essential tool that is used to safely access and work on tall structures. But have you ever stopped to think about the scaffolding industry itself? How big is it, and what impact does it have on the economy and the environment?

In this blog post, we'll explore 10 surprising statistics about the scaffolding industry, highlighting the importance and impact of this essential tool.

Stat #1: The global scaffolding market is worth billions of dollars.

According to a report by Mordor Intelligence, the global scaffolding market is expected to reach a value of $26.9 billion by 2025, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 7.4% between 2020 and 2025.

Stat #2: The scaffolding industry is a significant employer.

The scaffolding industry employs thousands of people around the world, from sales and marketing professionals to engineers and technicians. In the United States alone, the scaffolding industry employs over 100,000 people, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Stat #3: Scaffolding is used in a variety of sectors.

The scaffolding industry serves a wide range of sectors, including construction, shipbuilding, oil and gas exploration, and the entertainment industry. This diverse range of clients helps to ensure the stability and growth of the scaffolding industry.

Stat #4: Scaffolding is a major contributor to the construction industry.

The construction industry is a major contributor to the global economy, and scaffolding plays a crucial role in enabling construction projects of all shapes and sizes. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the construction industry accounts for about $1.3 trillion in annual economic activity in the United States.

Stat #5: Scaffolding is a sustainable industry.

One of the key trends driving the growth of the scaffolding industry is a focus on sustainability. Many scaffolding companies are now using eco-friendly materials, such as bamboo and recycled aluminum, and are adopting sustainable business practices, such as reducing waste and minimizing their carbon footprint.

Stat #6: Scaffolding is a relatively safe industry.

Given the potential risks associated with working on scaffolding, it's important to ensure the safety of workers. Fortunately, the scaffolding industry has a relatively good safety record, with injury rates that are lower than the construction industry as a whole.

According to data from OSHA, the scaffolding industry has an injury rate of about 3.4 per 100 full-time workers, which is lower than the overall injury rate for the construction industry, which stands at about 4.3 per 100 full-time workers.

Stat #7: The scaffolding industry is regulated for safety.

To help ensure the safety of workers and the public, the scaffolding industry is regulated by various agencies and organizations. In the United States, for example, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has detailed guidelines for the use of scaffolding, including requirements for training, inspection, and maintenance.

Stat #8: Scaffolding is an essential tool in the construction of iconic landmarks.

Some of the world's most iconic landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower and the Sydney Opera House, were constructed using scaffolding. These structures are testament to the versatility and strength of scaffolding, and demonstrate the many ways in which it can be used to create structures of all shapes and sizes.

Stat #9: Scaffolding is constantly evolving.

The scaffolding industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and materials being developed to meet the changing needs of the construction industry. For example, lightweight, modular scaffolding systems are becoming increasingly popular, as they are easier to transport and set up, and can be adjusted to fit the needs of different projects.

Stat #10: The scaffolding industry is facing challenges.

Like any industry, the scaffolding industry faces its share of challenges. One of the key challenges facing the industry is the increasing competition from low-cost foreign manufacturers, which can make it difficult for domestic companies to compete. Additionally, the scaffolding industry is facing pressure to reduce costs and increase efficiency, which can be challenging given the need to maintain high safety standards.


The scaffolding industry is a vital and growing part of the global economy, with a wide range of applications and a focus on sustainability. While the industry is facing its share of challenges, it is well-regulated and committed to maintaining the safety of workers and the public. As the construction industry continues to grow, so too will the scaffolding industry, providing a crucial support system for projects of all shapes and sizes.


Are you a scaffolding company looking to improve your business? We've got you covered! Check out our additional resources below to see how Cloudscaff Scaffold Management Software can help:

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