5 Terrifying Reasons Why Scaffolding Businesses Fail - And How to Avoid Them | Cloudscaff Scaffold & Inventory Management Software

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5 Terrifying Reasons Why Scaffolding Businesses Fail - And How to Avoid Them

Byron Wood - 2 years ago

person near clear glass window pane and window blinds low-light photography
Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash

As a construction professional, you know that scaffolding is a crucial part of almost every project. Without it, many tasks simply couldn't be completed safely or efficiently. However, running a scaffolding business is no easy feat. In fact, many scaffolding companies fail within the first few years of operation.


As a construction professional, you know that scaffolding is a crucial part of almost every project. Without it, many tasks simply couldn't be completed safely or efficiently. However, running a scaffolding business is no easy feat. In fact, many scaffolding companies fail within the first few years of operation.

So why do scaffolding businesses fail? 

There are several common reasons that we'll explore in this article. But first, let's define what we mean by "failure." In this context, we're talking about businesses that go bankrupt, close their doors permanently, or are unable to sustain their operations at a profit.

With that in mind, here are five surprising reasons why scaffolding businesses fail - and how you can avoid them.

1. Poor financial management

One of the most common reasons that scaffolding businesses fail is poor financial management. This can take many forms, such as failing to budget accurately, not invoicing clients promptly, or not keeping track of expenses.

As a business owner, it's essential to have a firm handle on your financial situation at all times. This means keeping accurate records, creating a budget, and monitoring your income and expenses carefully. It's also important to have a good working relationship with your accountant, as they can provide valuable guidance and support.

2. Lack of business planning

Another common reason for scaffolding business failure is the lack of a clear business plan. Many business owners launch their companies with enthusiasm and passion, but without a clear roadmap for success.

A business plan serves as a blueprint for your company, outlining your goals, target market, marketing strategy, and financial projections. It helps you focus on the big picture and make informed decisions about the direction of your business.

Without a business plan,it's easy to get sidetracked or make poor decisions that can have long-term consequences. To avoid this pitfall, take the time to create a comprehensive business plan before you launch your scaffolding business.

3. Lack of industry knowledge

Another reason that scaffolding businesses fail is a lack of industry knowledge. This can manifest in a number of ways, such as not understanding the requirements of different scaffolding systems, not being familiar with local regulations and codes, or simply not staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry.

To succeed in the scaffolding industry, it's crucial to continuously educate yourself and stay current. This can include taking courses, attending industry conferences, and staying in touch with colleagues and peers. By staying informed, you'll be better equipped to handle the challenges that come your way and make informed decisions about your business.

4. Poor marketing and sales efforts

Marketing and sales are critical components of any business, and scaffolding companies are no exception. Without an effective marketing and sales strategy, it can be difficult to attract new clients and grow your business.

Some common mistakes that scaffolding businesses make in this area include failing to clearly define their target market, not having a strong online presence, and not investing enough in marketing and sales efforts. To avoid these pitfalls, make sure to research your target market, establish a strong online presence, and allocate resources towards marketing and sales efforts.

5. Lack of safety focus

Finally, a lack of safety focus can be a major contributor to the failure of scaffolding businesses. In the construction industry, safety is of the utmost importance, and scaffolding companies must prioritize it above all else.

This includes not only adhering to all relevant regulations and codes, but also going above and beyond to ensure the safety of your employees and clients. This can include investing in the latest safety equipment and training, conducting regular safety inspections, and implementing robust safety protocols.

By prioritizing safety, you'll not only protect your workers and clients, but you'll also protect your business from costly accidents and legal liabilities.


Running a scaffolding business is no easy task, and there are many factors that can contribute to its success or failure. By understanding and avoiding the common pitfalls outlined above, you'll be well on your way to building a thriving and sustainable scaffolding company.


Are you a scaffolding company looking to improve your business? We've got you covered! Check out our additional resources below to see how Cloudscaff Scaffold Management Software can help:

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